
Sun, Feb 21, 2016

¿Tienes chorro? = Do you have the runs/shits (diarrhea)? Literally: stream of liquid. Chorrear = drip.

Here are some informal ways to say a lot of something in Spanish.

Un buen

The noun phrase un buen means a good-sized amount of something.

As you can see from these example, when the context is clear it is not necessary to specify what the buen is of.

Un chingo

Un chingo works just like un buen but is borderline obscene.

Un chorro

Un chorro is a watered-down version of un chingo. As such, it can be used in polite company with raising eyebrows.

The literal idea of chorro is a stream or flow of something. For this reason, chorro also serves as an informal word for diarrhea.

An informal way to say a bit of something is cachito.

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