Tue, Jul 5, 2016
Checar is one of those words that came into Spanish via English and is here to stay. When a native speaker scolds you for using it, just grin sheepishly and wait for them to use it unconsciously a few minutes later.
Checar works for 'check, review, investigate'.
- No he podido checar(lo) bien. I haven't had a chance to look into it.
- Deja checo. Let me see.
A more universal equivalent for checar is revisar.
- Revisa bien tu cambio. Check your change.
Checar also works for an employee punching in at word by swiping an ID badge.
- Ya chequé. I've already punched in.
Remember that the English noun check/cheque is cuenta in a restaurant context. Un cheque is a bank check.
Checadito is a fun adjective that means 'under heavy or excesive supervision'. It could be used when a boyfriend/girlfriend or boss is watching you closely, just waiting for you to screw up.
- Me tiene bien checadito. My girlfriend is watching my every move. She has me on a leash.
- La tengo checadita. I'm keeping close tabs on her.
As you can see from these examples, checadito is used with tener and a direct object modified by checadito.