Ya quedamos

Mon, Mar 7, 2016

Ya quedamos, eh = You agreed! You can't back out now.

The verb quedar can be used for talking about reaching an agreement. Since agreeing is a basic communicative function, this usage is frequent in conversation. Quedar is especially appropriate when reminding someone that you expect them to follow through on their commitment.

Quedar formal

Quedar formal means to reach an agreement that you are actually expected to honor. Contrast this with the casual type of agreement made solely out of politeness, for example, to attend a party. Pero quedamos formal. But you agreed and you said you meant it.


El es súper mal quedado = He's is a persona who doesn't follow through on his commitments. No es cumplido. Es informal. By the way, una quedada is a spinster.

Quedar en algo

You can use the preposition en to specify the course of action agreed upon.

You can also use quedar with de to the same effect: Sí pero tú quedaste de que ibas a venir. But you said you were going to come. You promised. Quedaron de verse en un restaurante. They decided to meet in a restaurant.

Quedamos a las diez

Quedamos a las diez doesn't mean that we reached the agreement at ten o'clock. Instead, it is short for Nos quedamos de ver a las diez: We agreed to meet and the time we agreed upon is ten o'clock. Note in this example that nos here goes with ver rather than with quedar.

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