Thu, Oct 22, 2015
Rollo is an informal word meaning personal problem. Here are some examples.
- No te metas en tantos rollos. Stay out of trouble. Avoid conflicts.
- A mí no me metas en tus rollos. Keep me out of it. This is your issue.
- Y ya después le conté un rollo acerca de mi ex novio. And then I told him about a big problem I had with my ex.
Es muy tu rollo
You can often use it where words like problema, bronca or pedo would also fit.
- Si andas con ella es muy tu rollo. It's your business if you go out with her. Don't come crying to me afterwards. I think it's a bad idea but Here you could also have said es muy tu problema, es muy tu bronca or (profanely) es muy tu pedo.
Sin malos rollos
Sometimes baggage is a good translation. Sin malos rollos. Without a lot of personal/emotional baggage.
Todo el rollo
A general expression for the crap or bullshit that someone says. Y no sé qué tanto rollo. And god knows what other bullshit he said as well. ¿Vas a empezar tú también con este rollo You're gonna start ragging on me about that as well? (complaining)
Rollo may refer to a situation or environment. Estoy interesado en este rollo. I'm interested in getting into this business (becoming a professional boxer).