Thu, Apr 14, 2016
Prestaciones = job benefits: year-end bonus, vacation pay, savings account, grocery card, housing credit.
Mexican workers in the formal economy are required by law to receive certain job benefits, prestaciones:
- Aguinaldo: Year-end bonus, equivalent to two weeks of salary.
- Días de descanso: Days off
- Vacaciones: 6+ days a year, minimum
- Prima vacacional: A cash benefit earmarked towards vacation expenses.In reality, you can spend this on whatever you want.
- IMSS (Seguro Social): Basic medical care, provided by IMSS, a national public health system. Employers are responsible for making premium payments for their workers.
Job postings often boast of offering prestaciones superiores a la ley, benefits above and beyond the mininum legally requirements. These could include:
- Afore: Retirement pension
- Infonavit: Home purchase assistance
- Vales de despensa: Cash card for purchasing groceries at approved establishments
- Fondo de ahorro: Savings plan
- Utilidades: Profit sharing
- Gastos médicos mayores: Major Medical, a private comprehensive health care benefits package above what IMSS provides.
When workers in the formal economy are laid off, they are entitled to:
- Liquidación: a payment corresponding to the amount of time the employee worked for the company. After several years, this amount can be sustantial.
- Finiquito: payment received by an employee voluntarily quitting. This includes vacation pay and bonuses already accrued.