Pase lo que pase

Fri, Apr 15, 2016

Pase lo que pase is one of those formulaic expressions where the subjunctive is used twice, separated by some kind of connecting device. Many of these correspond to English adverbs endings in -ever: whatever, however, wherever.

In these examples, the speaker is considering all outcomes and discarding their relevance. Other uses of no matter or whatever in English need different translations: Do whatever you want. Haz lo que quieras. Whatever! Como sea.

Sea como sea

Whether or not

When you want to express the idea of 'whether or not', use a subjuntive construction with 'or'. Repeating the verb here is optional.

You can get along without these expressions, but try to use them in your Spanish when the opportunity arises. You'll be expressing yourself more naturally and precisely. I've heard this type of construction called 'double subjuntive' or doble subjuntivo, since the subjuntive form is typically repeated. If that nomenclature helps you notice and remember these formulas, great.

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