
Sun, Dec 13, 2015

One way to exaggerate is by tacking on muy after muy. For example, es muy, muy, muy guapo. He's incredibly attractive; really, really attractive. Here are some other ways to accomplish the same effect.

Muy pero muy

To supercharge the intensifier muy, just change it to muy pero muy.

Tan pero tan

The X pero X construction works for other intensifiers as well. Here's a joke: Una vez había un hombre tan pero tan tonto que todos los demás hombres se dieron cuenta. There once was a man so incredibly stupid even the other men realized it.

We also have: Bien pero bien sexy. Outrageously sexy. Tenemos mucho pero mucho que hablar. We have a lot (of problems) to talk about.


Another way to intensify an adjective or adverb is with the prefix re-.


For extra effect, you can upgrade the prefix -re to -rete.

The prefix requete- also exists: Requetebién. Fantastic. (when asked how you are)

Súper, Mega

Súper and mega are also common intensifiers.

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