Lo que se dé
Wed, Nov 18, 2015
Sometimes the hardest expressions to understand — and remember to use — are the ones composed of familiar words used in new ways. I was never taught in school that darse can mean happen but it does.
- En la vida se dan muchas casualidades. Life is full of surprises. (telenovela dialogue)
- ¿Qué buscas? — Lo que se dé. What are you looking for? — I'm up for whatever. (online dating hookup)
- Y eso no se va a dar de la noche a la mañana. It (success) won't happen overnight.
When the focus is on the result, work out is a good translation:
- A ver cómo se van dando las cosas. Let's see what happens. Let's see how things work out.
- Si las cosas se dan. If everything works out. If everything happens the way I hope it does.