¿Dónde queda?

Sun, Mar 6, 2016

Quedar is the verb of a thousand meanings. Let's look at some examples related to location.

¿Dónde queda?

In Spanish class you learned to ask ¿Dónde está? to inquire about the location of something. However, when talking about things with fixed locations, quedar is also common.

With the preterite an abstract subject is common. ¿Dónde quedó la libertad de expresión? What ever happened to free speech? Where did it go?

¿Te vas o te quedas?

Quedarse can be used for stay in a place.

Una quedada

Una quedada is a spinster, a woman who has waited too long to find her mate and now it's too late. She's been left behind in this sense, hence the derivation from quedar.

No me quedé en la UNAM

Quedar(se) works for earn a place/spot: being accepted into a program or advancing to the next round of a competition or audition.

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