
Fri, Dec 18, 2015

Su dizque amigo = his so-called friend (not a true friend, in my view).

Dizque is a useful word that mixes doubt with derision. Here are some examples:

More formally, in these examples you could use supuestos and supuestamente, respectively. SegĂșn would work as well: SegĂșn canta. Supposedly she sings.

From these examples, you can see that dizque can modify both nouns, adjectives and verbs: dizque expertos, dizque independientes, dizque canta. It's both an adjective and an adverb.

I've seen dizque spelled with <s> instead of <z>. Since it is informal and more commonly encountered in speech rather than writing, some confusion over its spelling is expected. Apparently it is a contraction of dice que.

The more neutral word llamado can also be used to cast aspersions: Este llamado jefe de gobierno, this so-called jefe de gobierno, the highest-ranking local government official in Mexico City. Alleged, as used in police reports, would be presunto. El presunto asaltante, the alleged assailant.

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