Countability in Spanish
Sat, Oct 17, 2015
Since English makes greater use of uncountable nouns than Spanish does, it's easy to forget to use the countable versions when speaking Spanish. Here are some of the most common nouns that are usually uncountable in English but countable in Spanish.
- Consejo: Me dio unos consejos. He gave me some advice.
- Mueble: Compré nuevos muebles. I bought new furniture.
- Ingreso: Aumentar sus ingresos. Increase his income.
- Dato: ¿Tienes sus datos? Do you have her contact info?
- Informe: Para pedir informes. For more information.
- Condición: Está en muy buenas condiciones. It's in great shape.
- Pan: Comí un pan. I had a pastry.
- Jabón: Dos jabones. Two bars of soap.
- Pasta: Una pasta de dientes. A tube of toothpaste.
Also, recall that vacaciones is used in the plural form: está de vacaciones, he's on vacation.