Buena onda

Mon, Nov 2, 2015

Es buena onda = He's a great guy, a good person.

Buena onda is an informal way to say that someone is good or decent by nature. Él es buena onda. He's a good guy. It is frequently modified with bien: Ese chavo es bien buena onda. He's a great boy. Naturally, mala onda has the opposite meaning. Es mala onda. He's a jerk.

Here are some examples that refer more explicitly to behavior:

Qué mala onda

Buena/mala onda isn't just for people. It can also be used for reacting to news or a situation.

As you can see from the final examples, qué buena/mala onda can be extended to specify the situation you are reacting to.

Se me hace mala onda

Se me hace buena/mala onda is a way to give your take on a course of action.

En buena onda

A decent person, someone who is buena onda, does things en buena onda, with good intentions.

En buen/mal plan would work in these examples as well. Las cosas que hice, pues no las hago en mal plan.

Sometimes en buena onda can mean seriously.

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