¿A qué hora?

Sat, Nov 21, 2015

¿Cuándo? = When? What day? ¿A qué hora? = When? What time? Avoid cuándo for time of day.

We tend to think of cuando as the translation for when, but in a question it usually means what day rather than what time.

En la tarde

The question ¿A qué hora? sounds as if a specific hour is requested in the answer. However, it is common to give a vague response, such as en la tarde. It will be ready in the afternoon. Note that en la tarde usually means after the workday, that is, at 5:00pm, 6:00pm or 7:00pm. If you show up at one in the afternoon expecting your item to be ready, you're too early. La tarde can go all the way to dark, 8:00pm, although that general time of day is sometimes called tarde-noche.

Como a las cinco

To be noncommital, add a word like como.

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