Pena ajena

Wed, Feb 24, 2016

Das pena ajena = I feel embarrassed for you. I experience your embarrassment vicariously. You make me cringe.

English makes a distinction between embarrassment (for something awkward that you've done) and shame (for something immoral you have done). Spanish can express both of these ideas with a single word, pena.

Me da pena

Remember that things give you pena, so you'll often see pena with dar.

Me da pena contigo

Spanish has a convenient way of specifying the person who you feel embarrassed or ashamed in front of, the person whose reaction you are worried about.

Pena, robar y que te cachen

A cute reply to any confession of pena is: Pena, robar y que te cachen. What you did isn't that embarrassing. What would be truly embarrassing would be stealing something and letting yourself get caught.

¡Qué pena!

Qué pena is a good response to an awkward situation you find yourself in, for example, when accepting an undeserved gift.

Con la pena

The expressions me da pena, qué pena and con la pena can all be used when when sharing news that may be disappointing for the listener. It makes sense the pena plays a role here, since delivering bad news can be unpleasant for the speaker as well. Sorry is often a good translation. As you can see, most of these examples are followed by pero: I'm sorry, but ....

Pena ajena

Pena ajena is a concept that isn't expressed as neatly in English as in Spanish. Pena ajena refers to the kind of embarrassment or shame that you feel because of the actions of others. Ajeno, as you may know, refers to something that belongs to someone else. Casa ajena = someone else's house. Here the pena belongs directly to the person who did something embarrassing but you can feel it indirectly, especially if their behavior reflects poorly on you by association.

Keep this difference in mind:

  1. Me das pena ajena. I'm embarrassed for you. You did something that embarrassed me.
  2. Me da pena contigo. I'm embarrassed because of something I did. I'm worried that my poor behavior could make you think less of me.

Apenado, penoso

Apenado is ashamed. Estoy apenadísima contigo. I'm really ashamed of something I did to you. Estoy muy apenado con todo lo que te he hecho pasar esta noche. I'm embarrassed about everything that happened to you tonight. It was all my fault. Also with sentirse: Me siento muy apenado .... All of these basically mean Me da pena contigo.

Penoso is one way to say shy, tímido, easily embarrassed. Such a person avoids doing things that might give them pena.

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